Winnie Sun Interview: Meet Nicolas Cole - Author, Speaker, and Entrepreneur


I recently made my way to the west coast to chat with Winnie Sun, one of the biggest names in finance, a Forbes columnist, and podcast host of The Renegade Money Show.

To be honest, this is probably one of the most comprehensive video pieces I have right now that explains my story thus far.

I talk a lot about the power of building your own personal brand, and the importance of sharing who you are and what you know that could provide people value. But this video interview is a perfect example of the outcome of those efforts. Winnie and I play in very different industries, and yet what we share in common is a desire to share what we know with people in a way that teaches, empowers, motivates, etc. That's what allowed us to collaborate, and what allows anyone in any industry to connect with influencers in very different spaces. 

Check out the full show below:

Let's connect today to help secure your financial future: Follow Cole on Social: TWITTER: @nicolascole77 INSTAGRAM: @nicolascole77 WEBSITE: Follow Winnie on Social: WEBSITE: TWITTER: @SunGroupWP FACEBOOK: @winniesungroup LINKEDIN: @winniesun