The Viral Toolkit: How To Structure “The Perfect Post,” Craft An Intriguing Headline & Use Language To Your Advantage


I recently put together an entire video course teaching people how to do what I have done for myself by writing online: craft highly sharable content, build an audience, and become a top tier Influencer.

If you haven't checked out the course yet, click here.

One of the materials that comes free with the course is an eBook called The Viral Toolkit. In short: it's a very detailed look at the way I think about writing online and how I structure my content. I remember a long time ago, one of the first people I connected with on Quora, Brandon Lee, introduced me to a group of influencers via email with the sentence, "I never knew Listicle articles could be written in a way that had depth and meaningful information, until I read Cole's work." I'll never forget that.

Basically, I have learned how to write things that people want to read—and I have the accolades to prove it. Over 16,000,000 views on Quora. Over 200 columns written for Inc Magazine. Work published in TIME, Forbes, Fortune, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, etc.

There is an art to writing high-performing content. It's something that has taken me years and years of practice to master, and is why I decided to take the time to put together an online course teaching people how to do the same. I get emailed constantly with questions from other writers, or aspiring Influencers and Thought Leaders, on how they can write things people will pay attention to as well. People want to know why their blog isn't attracting readers, why their articles aren't getting shared. And sure, half the battle is marketing, but the other half is how the thing is written in the first place.

In this eBook, I walk you through some of the finer points of writing an effective article, blog, column, etc., and how to really make it stand out. 

You will learn:

1. 10 different types of headlines and article types you can use so that you never run out of ideas.

2. How to structure and format 'The Perfect Post' 

3. How to write content in a way that is highly sharable and most likely to get published by major publications like Inc Magazine, Forbes, Fortune, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, and more.

4. How to use language to your advantage in your writing to trigger an emotional response from the reader (which encourages them to share it with someone else).

5. The 1 habit every single content writer needs to master in order to become successful (and the one I attribute all of my own success to).

Note: this eBook comes free with my online video course, How To Write Viral Content Online.

In the past four years, I have easily written over 1,500 pieces of content online: blog posts, columns, guest blogs, Quora answers, paid articles, ghostwriting articles, etc. This eBook is packed full of "the good stuff," the most important things you need to know.


Click here to check out the eBook, The Viral Toolkit.

Here are what some other people who have taken the full course are saying about the information provided:

Edwin Adams, Entrepreneur & Business Mentor

"So many platforms from which to choose. So much information to sort through for trends. So much to learn regarding the development of my online presence. These were the thoughts that consistently plagued my progress in developing as a thought leader. This course provided me with the answers I needed to take action. I'm now more confident in my understanding of the core considerations necessary for success as a thought leader. Thank you, Nicolas, for the actionable content and superb mentorship throughout my development. Mad respect."

Juan Campos, Co-founder of

"I was blown away by the quality of information on here. Let me explain. As a millennial entrepreneur with a community of more than 70k travelers, I struggle to create content at scale that is engaging and valuable every day. Cole's strategies are a game changer. 1. Learn what to write about. 2. Focus on what matters. 3. B2B and B2C is nothing compared to Human2Human."

Yazin Akkawi, CEO of MSTQ

"Cole taught me not just how to create content, but how to create content in a way that's engaging and relevant. I've been blogging for some time now, and after taking this course, my reach had grown exponentially and it's helped me find several new clients. This is the stuff that separates the bloggers from the thought leaders."

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